Fear Not: Digital Disruption is Not as Scary as it Seems

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Disruption. Some of us may have been warned against being a disruption in grade school. Now, we also hear about digital disruption in regards to business and the evolution of tech. The difference between those disruptions and digital disruptions? Digital disruptions can be good.

Disruption is not a revolution against business, it is an evolution for business. As long as merchants pay attention to new developments, their businesses can evolve with the tech to meet more demand and thrive. More often than not, the benefits of embracing digital disruptions in business and payments far outweigh the risks of taking them on, so merchants: sit back, relax, and let Payline ease your fears about digital disruption.

When a new technology is introduced to businesses who could adopt it, there is typically a quick rush of excited curiosity followed by a surge of uncertainty with a pinch of dread. In other words, businesses are imagining all of the opportunities and pitfalls simultaneously, and soon it’s a toss-up whether taking a gamble on new tech is worth any risk to what they’ve built.

What businesses have to realize, however, is that digital disruption is not a possibility, it’s an inevitability. This is not a bad thing. It gives companies the opportunity to become faster, cheaper, friendlier and overall better for their customers and their businesses. Meeting digital disruption at the starting gate rather than fearing its caveats conveys to customers that you’re ready to meet and adapt to their needs as they present themselves, which will build good business rapport.

In regards to payments, disruption comes largely from digital payment developments. It seems that every day there is a new development with Apple, IoT, Amazon or some other advancement that is said to be about to “disrupt” industries. Digital disruption is an enabler with payments, not a roadblock. In today’s payments landscape, it is about agility and a platform that is built on both change and longevity.

When it comes to integrating payments in their businesses, merchants have to be able to have a strong foundation but also an agile one. Agility is the portal that digital disruption works through. As more mobile apps for retail, restaurants and mobile wallets are developed for changing consumer demands, paying attention to coming disruptions will be required.

If your fears about digital disruption to your business or ISO still need to be quelled, consider partnering with a payment platform Change can be a good thing, and partnering with a business like Payline to enable a better payments experience will give your business an extra hand in taking on digital disruptions as they come to the payments industry. Payline I/O offers a sandbox for developers to test their products prior to launching, so there is more control over disruption.

Digital disruption is not a passing phase or trend. There will always be new innovations or someone else thinking of an improvement to a preexisting technology. Disruption is not something to run away from, but rather something for your business to surf the waves of, big and small. There is no progress without mistakes, but the beauty of digital disruption is that it builds from both mistakes and successes to enable smooth business operations, now and in the future.

Embrace Disruption

Payline has the resources and the knowledge to help your business embrace digital disruption and benefit your business.

This piece was written by Lauren Minning, Content Specialist for Payline.

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