Keep Your Customers
Secure & Safe
Providing Peace of Mind Through Secure Payments
Confirm Your Customers
Include a CVV verification at checkout to authenticate the verification number on the back of a customer’s card.
Address Verification (AVS)
Trust that your customers are true cardholders with our AVS check solution which validates address information.
Protect Payments
Configure filters to help determine fraud and differentiate between legitimate and suspicious transactions with our rules-based fraud solution.
Payline is an Authorized Reseller of Verifi’s award-winning Cardholder Dispute Resolution Network® (CDRN), which not only helps to protect your business by stopping chargebacks but also helps to boost transaction volume and your revenue.
Confirm Your Customers
For card-not-present transactions, requesting a card verification value, or CVV, at checkout is one method to guarantee credit card fraud protection and management. This three- or four- digit code serves as proof that the customer actually holds the physical card, keeping both the merchant and the customer safe by reducing the chance for fraud.

Address Verification
When used with other credit card fraud protection mechanisms, an address verification system (AVS) check validates address information of card-not-present customers. This secure process compares the billing address used in the transaction with the issuing bank’s address information on file for the cardholder. A full information validation is just one way that credit card fraud protection can be provided in card-not-present transactions.
Protect Your Payments
Fraudsters continue their attempts to outsmart business owners, costing businesses hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars. To prevent this ongoing threat, you need a rules-based credit card fraud protection tool that can screen suspicious transaction activity. Stay one step ahead of fraud with solutions from Payline.

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